Whether you’re trying to sell your game show to a major network or local broadcast television, or even just filming it to upload on Youtube, you will need help from a team of people to make your game show a reality. Two days before the episode, you must winnow that pool down to the questions you will actually use that week. For example, if you have a team, you might set a mid-week deadline for a pool of questions three times the size of what you need for the episode.After delegating responsibility to your research team (or simply concretizing the categories for yourself), set deadlines for when questions will be due. Don’t allow yourself to get off track during the week if you plan a weekly show. For example, researchers with scientific backgrounds should develop science-themed questions, and researchers with English backgrounds should develop literature-themed questions. Draw on the strengths of each individual researcher and delegate specific categories to them.

Don’t put off research for the last second, as you may run into a time crunch This strategy also gives you to option to choose the best, most interesting questions from a larger pool rather than making do with the first handful of questions that came to mind. You can always save some questions for the future. It’s important that you have a large bank of questions to draw from, and that you do all the research necessary for the show ahead of time, so you don’t get caught unprepared.

A successful quiz show relies on the consistent production of high-quality questions.